Unborn Jesus
Unborn Jesus
Feel welcome to explore the implications of the Mystery of the Incarnation. In this website you will appreciate what the Fathers of the Church have to say about the birth of Jesus. You will learn about the Jealousy of humanity the Devil developed and its persisting destruction of innocent infants through the ages. In this site, Biblical verses will strength your Faith in Jesus and the reason of his Incarnation. In addition, you will be introduced to the Catholic doctrine on the Sanctity of Life. Witness what people has to say about the consequences of abortion. Walk along the paths of the Holy innocents’ virtual gardens where mourning mothers and their relatives pray for their deceased babies. Ask for a virtual candle to be light for your petitions at the Unborn Jesus virtual chapel. Finally, is my hope you will develop a devotion to the Unborn Jesus by praying the Way of the Incarnation.
Unborn Jesus

Important Considerations About the Mystery of the


This website is a tribute to the Mystery of the Incarnation. The Mystery of the Incarnation occurred when God took on human nature in Bethlehem. The consequences of this divine action are overwhelming:
The first thing to consider is that the Second Person of the Holy Trinity humbles himself from an omnipresent being into a confined nature within the limits of time and space. In other words, He enters History with an act of infinite Love and Mercy towards humanity. The second thing to consider is that Jesus did not took an angelica nature. Angels are above humans in the spiritual realm, nevertheless God is giving his creation a test of humility by taking on the simplest spiritual being nature, that is the human nature. The third thing to consider is by taking the human nature, all humanity gets raised over the angelical choirs. This revelation was presented to the Angels at their moment of creation. Another important thing to consider is the Devil lost his salvation by rejecting the Mystery of the Incarnation. He encourages going after innocent children in order to destroy the images that remind him his damnation.
The Word was made flesh . . .  . . . and dwelt among us! Dedicate a Holy Hour to the Unborn Jesus Select the picture to learn more about the apostolate.


Also, it is important consideration is the role of the Blessed Virgin Mary as the New Ark of the Covenant as a result of God choosing Her as the vessel of the Incarnation. As a result of all these considerations, a spiritual battle has been established among the children of the Woman and the children of the Dragon. It is through prayer combined with good works that the children of the Woman triumph over the children of the Dragon.
Attend the next Holy Hour  Select this block to obtain a flier for the Next Unborn Jesus Holy Hour. dedicated to the Unborn Jesus
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Unborn Jesus
Unborn Jesus
The Word was made flesh . . .  . . . and dwelt among us!


Feel welcome to explore the implications of the Mystery of the Incarnation. In this website you will appreciate what the Fathers of the Church have to say about the birth of Jesus. You will learn about the Jealousy of humanity the Devil developed and its persisting destruction of innocent infants through the ages. In this site, Biblical verses will strength your Faith in Jesus and the reason of his Incarnation. In addition, you will be introduced to the Catholic doctrine on the Sanctity of Life. Witness what people has to say about the consequences of abortion. Walk along the paths of the Holy innocents’ virtual gardens where mourning mothers and their relatives pray for their deceased babies. Ask for a virtual candle to be light for your petitions at the Unborn Jesus virtual chapel. Finally, is my hope you will develop a devotion to the Unborn Jesus by praying the Way of the Incarnation.

Important Considerations About The Mystery of

the Incarnation

This website is a tribute to the Mystery of the Incarnation. The Mystery of the Incarnation occurred when God took on human nature in Bethlehem. The consequences of this divine action are overwhelming: The first thing to consider is that the Second Person of the Holy Trinity humbles himself from an omnipresent being into a confined nature within the limits of time and space. In other words, He enters History with an act of infinite Love and Mercy towards humanity. The second thing to consider is that Jesus did not took an angelica nature. Angels are above humans in the spiritual realm, nevertheless God is giving his creation a test of humility by taking on the simplest spiritual being nature, that is the human nature. The third thing to consider is by taking the human nature, all humanity gets raised over the angelical choirs. This revelation was presented to the Angels at their moment of creation. Another important thing to consider is the Devil lost his salvation by rejecting the Mystery of the Incarnation. He encourages going after innocent children in order to destroy the images that remind him his damnation.
Dedicate a Holy Hour to the Unborn Jesus Follow this link to learn about the Unborn Jesus Devotion.
Also, it is important consideration is the role of the Blessed Virgin Mary as the New Ark of the Covenant as a result of God choosing Her as the vessel of the Incarnation. As a result of all these considerations, a spiritual battle has been established among the children of the Woman and the children of the Dragon. It is through prayer combined with good works that the children of the Woman triumph over the children of the Dragon.
Attend the next Holy Hour  Select this block to obtain a flier for the Next Unborn Jesus Holy Hour. dedicated to the Unborn Jesus
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