Unborn Jesus



The Unborn Jesus Apostolate has set as its goals the following objectives: To worship and honor the Unborn Jesus in Mary's Womb and to promote this devotion. To honor Our Lady with the title of Our Lady of Guadalupe as she appeared in Mexico; with Her Child on the third trimester. To enrich ourselves with Catholic Doctrine on the Incarnation and the Immaculate Conception. To pray for an end to abortion. To pray for women considering aborting their babies, so God may guide them to change their mind and to spare the life within their wombs. To pray for the conversion of those who support abortion and those who practice abortion. To pray for those who are afraid to speak against abortion. To pray for those enlisted in the crusade for life so they will peacefully defend and assist pregnant women and the unborn children; and provide peaceful means for the conversion of those who support abortion. To pray for women who have had abortions, and to direct them to assistance with repentance and reconciliation. To participate or organize processions to Unborn Memorials. To pray for a total end of the culture of death, this includes also an end to Euthanasia and any other form of abuse to the sacredness of human life.

Unborn Jesus Holy Hour

Join or Start an Unborn Jesus Holy Hour

During the Unborn Jesus Holy Hour, members of the apostolate honor Jesus in the Womb of Mary, while praying for an end to abortion and for all pro-life needs. We encourage you to pray together as a group during exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament. Some Unborn Jesus Prayer Groups offer a Holy Hour each week, others pray once a month. Each group pray The Angelus, An Act of Consecration to our Lady of Guadalupe, The Way of the Incarnation and the Helpers’ Litany to Jesus in the Womb. These prayers are available in both English and Spanish. They may be downloaded from this web-site in PDF format. The Unborn Jesus Banner is usually set up at the front left or right of the altar. A software version of the Unborn Jesus Banner. The group leader is responsible for obtaining permission from the parish pastor to organize an Unborn Jesus Holy Hour. Once permission is given, the group leader plans the schedule with the adoration coordinator at the parish. The next step is to enroll prayer warriors. Before the first meeting, the group leader needs to be sure there are enough prayer books available. It is recommended to announce the prayer session in the parish bulletin.

Unborn Jesus Virtual Chapel

Post a Prayer Petition to the Unborn Jesus

Add your prayer petition to the Unborn Jesus Virtual Chapel by selecting the picture at the right. There, the visitors to the Unborn Jesus website may pray for your intentions. In addition, all of the intentions posted will be remember during adoration.

Holy Innocents Virtual Mausoleum

Submit a Baby’s Name to the Holy Innocents

Virtual Mausoleum

At the Holy Innocents Virtual Mausoleum, the babies’ relatives can have a place on the internet to mourn, remember and pray for. The visitors to this webpage are requested to pray for your baby and for you as they take a virtual stroll through the gardens of the mausoleum. In addition, all of the babies posted will be remember during adoration. You may submit your babies name via e-mail to: mail.stop@unbornjesus.com . Make sure to include a short epithet.
Unborn Jesus
The Word was made flesh . . .  . . . and dwelt among us! Prayer Setup Prayer Material Prayer Format
Follow This link to learn more about the Unborn Jesus Holy Hour praying material.
Follow This link to learn more about the Unborn Jesus Holy Hour praying setup.
Follow This link to learn more about the Unborn Jesus Holy Hour praying format.
Select the picture below to visit the gardens of the Holy Innocents Virtual Mausoleum.
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Unborn Jesus
Unborn Jesus



The Unborn Jesus Apostolate has set as its goals the following objectives: To worship and honor the Unborn Jesus in Mary's Womb and to promote this devotion. To honor Our Lady with the title of Our Lady of Guadalupe as she appeared in Mexico; with Her Child on the third trimester. To enrich ourselves with Catholic Doctrine on the Incarnation and the Immaculate Conception. To pray for an end to abortion. To pray for women considering aborting their babies, so God may guide them to change their mind and to spare the life within their wombs. To pray for the conversion of those who support abortion and those who practice abortion. To pray for those who are afraid to speak against abortion. To pray for those enlisted in the crusade for life so they will peacefully defend and assist pregnant women and the unborn children; and provide peaceful means for the conversion of those who support abortion. To pray for women who have had abortions, and to direct them to assistance with repentance and reconciliation. To participate or organize processions to Unborn Memorials. To pray for a total end of the culture of death, this includes also an end to Euthanasia and any other form of abuse to the sacredness of human life.

Unborn Jesus Holy Hour

Join or Start an Unborn Jesus Holy Hour

During the Unborn Jesus Holy Hour, members of the apostolate honor Jesus in the Womb of Mary, while praying for an end to abortion and for all pro- life needs. We encourage you to pray together as a group during exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament. Some Unborn Jesus Prayer Groups offer a Holy Hour each week, others pray once a month. Each group pray The Angelus, An Act of Consecration to our Lady of Guadalupe, The Way of the Incarnation and the Helpers’ Litany to Jesus in the Womb. These prayers are available in both English and Spanish. They may be downloaded from this web-site in PDF format. The Unborn Jesus Banner is usually set up at the front left or right of the altar. A software version of the Unborn Jesus Banner. The group leader is responsible for obtaining permission from the parish pastor to organize an Unborn Jesus Holy Hour. Once permission is given, the group leader plans the schedule with the adoration coordinator at the parish. The next step is to enroll prayer warriors. Before the first meeting, the group leader needs to be sure there are enough prayer books available. It is recommended to announce the prayer session in the parish bulletin.

Unborn Jesus Virtual


Post a Prayer Petition to the Unborn Jesus

Add your prayer petition to the Unborn Jesus Virtual Chapel by selecting the picture at the right. There, the visitors to the Unborn Jesus website may pray for your intentions. In addition, all of the intentions posted will be remember during adoration.

Holy Innocents Virtual


Submit a Baby’s Name to the Holy

Innocents Virtual Mausoleum

At the Holy Innocents Virtual Mausoleum, the babies’ relatives can have a place on the internet to mourn, remember and pray for. The visitors to this webpage are requested to pray for your baby and for you as they take a virtual stroll through the gardens of the mausoleum. In addition, all of the babies posted will be remember during adoration. You may submit your babies name via e-mail to: mail.stop@unbornjesus.com . Make sure to include a short epithet.
The Word was made flesh . . .  . . . and dwelt among us! Prayer Format Prayer Setup Prayer Material
Follow This link to learn more about the Unborn Jesus Holy Hour praying material.
Follow This link to learn more about the Unborn Jesus Holy Hour praying setup.
Follow This link to learn more about the Unborn Jesus Holy Hour praying format.
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