Unborn Jesus


Unborn Jesus Holy Hour

During the Unborn Jesus Holy Hour, members of the apostolate honor Jesus in the Womb of Mary, while praying for an end to abortion and for all pro-life needs. We encourage you to pray together as a group during exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament. Some Unborn Jesus Prayer Groups offer a Holy Hour each week, others pray once a month.

Schedule for the current year

Each year members of the Unborn Jesus Apostolate gather at the Church to offer a Novena of Holy Hours to the Unborn Child Jesus. Each Holy Hour is scheduled the closets Friday to the 25th, from March to November. That is very significative because from the day of the Incarnation, on March the 25th, to the day of the Nativity, on December the 25th, there are exactly nine months. Therefore, each Holy Hour dedicated at the Blessed Sacrament proclaims a month of Jesus in the Womb of Mary. Follow the link below to find the schedule of Unborn Jesus Holy Hours for the current year.

Schedule of Holy Hours for The Current


Help Promote the Unborn Jesus Holy Hour

Feel free to download the Unborn Jesus Holy Hour Flyer for the current month by clicking at the link below.

Unborn Jesus Holy Hour Flyer for The

Current Month

Offer an Hour of Prayer to the Unborn

Jesus from a remote Location

If for some reason it is not possible to attend the Unborn Jesus Holy Hour at the Blessed Sacrament, an Hour of Prayer can be offered instead by watching the video posted in this page. Just start the video and follow the prayers. The video follows the same format prayer as the Holy Hour at the Church. For those that speak Spanish, the Spanish version of the Hour of Prayer to the Unborn Jesus is located below.
Map Instructions: Zooming in and out: Click at the “+” sign to zoom-in and click at the “-” sign to zoom-out. Panning: Click and hold the left mouse button and drag the map to a new location. Street View: Click at the lower-left box for street view.
SS Peter And Paul Catholic Church, Address: 515 W Opp St, Wilmington, CA 90744
Unborn Jesus
The Word was made flesh . . .  . . . and dwelt among us!
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Unborn Jesus
Unborn Jesus


Unborn Jesus Holy Hour

During the Unborn Jesus Holy Hour, members of the apostolate honor Jesus in the Womb of Mary, while praying for an end to abortion and for all pro-life needs. We encourage you to pray together as a group during exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament. Some Unborn Jesus Prayer Groups offer a Holy Hour each week, others pray once a month.

Schedule for the current year

Each year members of the Unborn Jesus Apostolate gather at the Church to offer a Novena of Holy Hours to the Unborn Child Jesus. Each Holy Hour is scheduled the closets Friday to the 25th, from March to November. That is very significative because from the day of the Incarnation, on March the 25th, to the day of the Nativity, on December the 25th, there are exactly nine months. Therefore, each Holy Hour dedicated at the Blessed Sacrament proclaims a month of Jesus in the Womb of Mary. Follow the link below to find the schedule of Unborn Jesus Holy Hours for the current year.

Schedule of Holy Hours for The Current Year

Help Promote the Unborn Jesus Holy


Feel free to download the Unborn Jesus Holy Hour Flyer for the current month by clicking at the link below.

Unborn Jesus Holy Hour Flyer for The Current


Offer an Hour of Prayer to the Unborn

Jesus from a remote Location

If for some reason it is not possible to attend the Unborn Jesus Holy Hour at the Blessed Sacrament, an Hour of Prayer can be offered instead by watching the video posted in this page. Just start the video and follow the prayers. The video follows the same format prayer as the Holy Hour at the Church. For those that speak Spanish, the Spanish version of the Hour of Prayer to the Unborn Jesus is located below.
Map Instructions: Zooming in and out: Click at the “+” sign to zoom-in and click at the “-” sign to zoom-out. Panning: Click and hold the left mouse button and drag the map to a new location. Street View: Click at the lower-left box for street view.
SS Peter And Paul Catholic Church, Address: 515 W Opp St, Wilmington, CA 90744
The Word was made flesh . . .  . . . and dwelt among us!
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